I'll be the first to admit that we here at Mid Century Mobler aren't the most dedicated of TV watchers- we're more of samplers in the box of chocolate that is television. It's difficult to be invested in plot and characters when we're continually rewinding to see a Papa Bear Chair or Arne Vodder credenza. It's even more distracting when we see pieces on TV that are also kicking around the shop.
Still from 2 Broke Girls Photo Credit: mcmNERD
Amongst the chaos and clutter, in the eye of the storm, you can see a gorgeous G Plan Astro coffee table. I would still like to know where these "broke" girls buy their furniture.
We have one last round G Plan (and oval- shaped) coffee table in the warehouse waiting for refinishing. You'll be seeing these beauts on the site soon!
Another G Plan piece we've seen on the air is CeCe's GPlan Fresco Credenza from the the set of New Girl. Tucked in the left corner you can see the very distinguished teak and afrormosia doors and handles.
GPlan Fresco Credenza from the New Girl Photo Credit: Vim and Verve
One of favorite finds when in England, the Fresco is everything one could want in a credenza! The details are perfect and the construction is top- notch.
GPlan Fresco Credenza in all its glory

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